🆓 Get free PCBs with Quilter's "Fab for Free" program
April 26, 2024 9:41
Quilter is fully compatible with your existing designs and libraries. All completed designs are returned in the same file format they were submitted for inspection, modification, and export.
Quilter is more like a human designer than it is like an autorouter. Quilter manages all aspects of PCB design including routing traces, placing components, managing board stackups, and generating custom pours.
Quilter can design boards that are far more complex than most autorouters can complete, explores hundreds of design possibilities to optimize its result, and even validates the best candidates within the design space against tolerances from top fabricators.
In the long term, we will support every type of board. Given current capabilities, Quilter is best for boards that are:
< 1000 pins
< 100 components
< 10% density
< 500MHz signals
< 2A current
Quilter simultaneously evaluates designs against 10 rulesets and recommends the most conservative one that reaches 100% routing with 0 DRC violations.
These rulesets come directly from PCB manufacturers including JLPCB, OSHPark, and PCBWay; we display logos for the vendors that can support the most conservative rules we managed to complete.
Quilter uses reinforcement learning to explore your board’s unique design space and learn from millions of design possibilities. It takes up to 1-2 hours before your first successful layout candidate appears. Fully exploring all layout candidates takes 2-6 hours, and the system will automatically time out after 12 hours.
You’ll be able to start reviewing candidates before the job is finished (including incomplete candidates), and we notify you via email when we find the first successful candidate, and when the job is completed.